I was watching God's not dead 3 and there was this scene of a girl asking the pastor to forgive her boyfriend.So what she said got me really thinking, cause we believe that our core values, beliefs are "truer" than others but how do we backup that what we are right.
I read this on someone blog and really had me thinking of how many friends back during college days would walk with their head face down when walking in the between of people, I would joke that they are probably counting the bricks. Cause we walk with our heads down and we too worried about what people judge us... My hope is one day that everyone will be able to walk with their face up not worried about being judged, and see others eye to eye with respect and confidence.
When I got bad news that my friend lost his dad, which didn't make sense cause he was recovering well from his operation. I kept on thinking of Falls lyrics by Odesza which I made me understand that life is difficult, but we are never alone in our struggles. So I made this instagram posts.
I was listening to couples songs of tunes on Spotify, so I made this posts just for the fun. Cause so excited with whatever I was listening to.
All photos from Unsplash
Lyrics: Hello - Adele, Falls - Odesza, I'll stay - Isabela Moner, On and On - The Score, Dynamite - Sigrid, Voices - Switchfoot
My Fixations


My Fixations
